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Romantic Marriage Proposal Ideas

March 2, 2020

Whether you are looking to pop the question on Valentine’s Day or out of the blue, proposing to your loved one is a nerve-wracking yet exciting occasion. It’s a moment that marks the beginning of spending the rest of your life with them, and you want to make it count by crafting an unforgettable proposal. Follow along with us as we go through creative proposal ideas you can incorporate at home or while on vacation.

Creative Proposal Ideas at Home or On Vacation

Not everyone is comfortable sharing their most special and intimate moments in public, and that’s okay. There are wonderful, simple, and intimate creative proposal ideas to pursue no matter where you plan to pop the question.

1. Decorate Their Room

If you’re at home you can decorate your loved one’s favorite room with pictures of you two and items such as movie or concert tickets that will bring up lovely memories of your relationship. Cover the walls with all of these memories and lay out candles and flowers on the ground so that when your significant other walks through the door, they’ll be taken by surprise.

If you plan to propose while on a romantic vacation, potentially during Valentine’s Day, you can ask the hotel housekeeping team to help you surprise your loved one by decorating the room with rose petals and preparing a bottle of champagne. That way everything is ready when you return to your room.

2. Romantic Wake-Up Call

Whip up your loved one’s favorite breakfast, perhaps with a side of a nice glass of mimosa, and serve it to them in bed. Place their ring on the center of the food tray or slip it on their finger while they’re sleeping. They will be shocked and excited when they wake up to find the dazzling ring on their finger.

Afterward, be sure to deliver a genuine and romantic speech about the journey you two have been on before proposing. This is a simple yet sweet way to ask for their hand in marriage.

On vacation, a romantic marriage proposal idea is to arrange for room service to deliver a delicious breakfast while your loved one is in bed or in the shower. When she’s not looking—slip the ring under the silver tray cover, or hide it among the fruit on the tray. She’ll be in for an amazing surprise when she lifts the lid.

3. Treasure Hunt

A treasure hunt is a mysterious and fun marriage proposal idea. Leave clues around the home that will lead them to you on one knee with the ring in hand. For example, if they have a routine of opening the fridge every morning to grab milk, consider leaving one of your clues or notes on the milk carton, which will lead them to another part of the home for their next clue. You may want to guide them to areas or objects that have a significant meaning in your relationship.

It’s also fun to incorporate small gifts such as flowers, candy, or small trinkets that hold inside jokes to spice up the treasure hunt.

If you’re on vacation you can do the same thing. Get out of bed early and leave a note with clues to different locations. You might even enlist the help of your hotel staff to give your loved one a note and clue when she gets to each location. Write down the story of how you met, fell in love, and how you came to know she was the one on the notes so she reads through your love story as she goes. You’ll be ready and waiting at the final location, ring in hand, ready to ask her to marry you—and start a new chapter together.

4. Romantic Dinner

Arrange a romantic dinner with your significant other by cooking them their favorite meal. Decorate the kitchen and dining area with string lights and flowers. Have music you both love playing in the background that will bring up fond memories of you two. Enjoy your dinner, then pop the big question over dessert.

Proposing over a romantic dinner works just as well when you’re on vacation. If you’re in a tropical location, most hotels offer the chance to book a romantic dinner on the beach. Ask your hotel what time the sunsets and plan your romantic dinner so you can propose as the sun goes down over the ocean. If you are planning to propose during the holidays, in particular Valentine’s Day, be sure to work with your resort to book your reservations early as they will fill up quickly.

It’s also the perfect time to have a proposal photographer capture your special moment. You can also arrange to propose earlier and arrange for a romantic photo session before your dinner if you want to catch the best lighting for your proposal photos.

5. Picnic On the Beach or a Remote Location

Choose a popular beach or landmark either at home or wherever you are vacationing and plan a nice picnic. Plan this occasion during sunrise or sunset to make it extra romantic. Set up pillows and blankets to keep you both cozy and comfortable and prepare delicious snacks and drinks such as sandwiches, crackers, and coffee, tea, or wine.

You can set this up yourself and have your future finance meet you at the spot, or arrange for your hotel services to set up the picnic so it’s all ready for you when you both arrive. Either way, it will be a great surprise for your loved one that will get the morning or evening started just right.

5. Lantern-Lit Boardwalk

This is a sweet wedding proposal idea at the beach while you’re at home, or on vacation. You can adorn the boardwalk with lanterns that will create an enchanted entrance for your loved one to walk through and find you at the end with the ring in your hand.

If you plan to have a proposal photographer, consider having them stand where you are so they can capture your significant other walking through the boardwalk in complete awe and shock. And of course, to capture the moment of the proposal.

6. Romantic Walk

If you both like to be outdoors, a great proposal idea is to go for a beautiful walk together, preferably to a beautiful and scenic location. When you get to your destination, reach for the ring and ask for their hand in marriage. There’s nothing like creating an intimate and loving occasion with a view.

A great option for a romantic marriage proposal idea on vacation is to take a walk along the beach. Go for a sunset stroll along the beach and arrange for the hotel staff to write “Will You Marry Me?” in the sand. It’s the perfect, surprising way to pop the question and ask her to marry you. You can also plan for a photographer to be close by so they can capture the moment you ask her to marry you.

7. Up In the Air

Our final creative proposal idea starts before you even get to your destination. When you’re both en route to your destination on the plane, you can make a fun proposal by using the loudspeaker system to propose—make sure to arrange this with your airline beforehand. You’ll have the entire cabin clapping and cheering! Have the flight attendants help you out by delivering delicious drinks and desserts to your loved one upon the proposal.

Whether you decided to propose at home or at a remote spot during vacation, these creative marriage proposal ideas will craft blissful memories for you two that will be the start of a wonderful union.

Capture Your Proposal with Adventure Photos

Adventure Photos can help you capture the best moments of your proposal with a proposal photographer. We understand how significant this occasion is and will work with your plans to help put together an unforgettable moment. Learn more about our lifestyle photography services by contacting us today.

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